To assist us with preparing for your consultation please complete the following online Health Questionnaire form.

Health Questionnaire

Alternatively, if you do no wish to complete the form online you can download a PDF of the form to complete manually here Health Questionnaire Form (100k).

Please contact our office on 1300 377 226 if you are unable to complete the form before your visit.

Your Surgeon

Patient Details

First Name*



What Is Your Height (cm)*

What Is Your Weight (kg)*

Do you smoke?*

If Yes, How Many (Per/Day)

Do you drink ?*

If Yes, How Many (Per/Day)

Treatment Area

Medical History

Do you have or have you ever had the following conditions? Please answer every question and tick where appropriate.

Asthma, emphysema, shortness of breath or other lung problems

Diabetes - If yes, controlled by:

Heart attack, palpitations, angina

Heart murmur

High blood pressure

Pacemaker or other heart implants

Elevated cholesterol/triglycerides

Stroke (CVA)

Epilepsy/fits/faints/funny turns

Stomach problems, gastric ulcer, indigestion or reflux

Bleeding or clotting disorder



Thyroid problems



Kidney problems

Hepatitis/liver problems

Varicose veins

Deep vein thrombosis (blood clots in the leg)

Pulmonary embolus (blood clots in the lungs)

Previous blood transfusions

Do you take any blood thinning medication such as aspirin, warfarin, Plavix, or anti-inflammatories?


Neck or back injuries/problems

Problems with anaesthetics, e.g. vomiting

Do you have any current wound or skin breaks?

Have you ever had an MRSA (golden staph) infection?


Current Medications
Including Herbal and/or Natural Therapies

to Medications/Metals/Other

Previous Surgery
Including Dates if Possible

Any Complications with Previous Surgery

Any Problems/Complications with Previous Anaesthetics

Which of the following causes you to become short of breath

Do You Know Your Blood Group

If Yes



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